Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lock Up Your Wives and children, Vandy is coming!

Just starting off with saying hello. I'm your friendly neighborhood Vandy. A friend showed me this site and I thought I would sign up so that I would have another way of getting my words out to the public. I'll be using this site to post a range of things. From my fiction and short stories I write, to my rants when something pisses me off, to just my random thoughts. Some might like what they read, and some might not and think I need mental help; which I probably do. This is your dose of the Vandy. Some of my post might not be polictically correct, so read on at your own risk.


You have been pre-warned...

"Person attempting to find motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot"
Mark Twain